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Site Profile

Operational Names:

Woogaroo Lunatic Asylum 1865 - 1880

Goodna Asylum for the Insane 1880 - 1898
Goodna Hospital for the Insane 1898 - 1940
Brisbane Mental Hospital 1940 - 1963
Brisbane Special Hospital 1963 - 1969
Wolston Park Hospital 1969 - 2001
The Park - Centre for Mental Health Treatment, Research and Education

2001 - current

Operating Under Government Departments:

Colonial Secretary's Office
10/01/1865 to 06/08/1896

Home Secretary's Office
06/08/1896 to 05/12/1935

Health and Home Affairs Department
05/12/1935 to 26/09/1963

Department of Health
26/09/1963 to 03/04/2012

West Moreton Hospital and Health Service
01/07/2012 - Current


Heritage Classification:
State Heritage


Register status:


Date entered:
21 October 1992


Archaeological: Archaeological potential
Archaeological: Artefact scatter
Burial ground: Cemetery - Private
Education, Research, Scientific Facility: School - Special
Farming - Agriculture/Dairying/Grazing/Horticulture: Accommodation - barracks, huts
Farming - Agriculture/Dairying/Grazing/Horticulture: Farm - dairy
Farming - agriculture/dairying/grazing/horticulture: Farm
Farming - agriculture/dairying/grazing/horticulture: Piggery
Health and Care Services: Benevolent inst./home - inebriates'
Health and Care Services: Benevolent institution/home - physically/intellectually disabled
Health and Care Services: Office/Office Building/Administration Centre
Health and care services: Benevolent institution/home
Health and care services: Hospital - psychiatric/mental institute/asylum
Health and care services: Hospital - repatriation/veteran’s
Health and care services: Mortuary/morgue
Recreation and Entertainment: Golf course
Recreation and Entertainment: Swimming pool/Baths - in-ground
Recreation and entertainment: Cricket ground
Religion/worship: Chapel
Residential: Villa
Retail, Wholesale, Services: Laundry
Utilities - Gas and Electricity supply: Electricity Power Station - coal/gas/oil
Utilities - drainage, sewerage, waste disposal: Rubbish dump
Utilities - water supply: Dam/reservoir
Utilities - water supply: Pumping station


Peopling places: Family and marking the phases of life
Exploiting, utilising and transforming the land: Pastoral activities
Exploiting, utilising and transforming the land: Agricultural activities
Exploiting, utilising and transforming the land: Managing water
Exploiting, utilising and transforming the land: Valuing and appreciating the environment and landscapes
Working: Unpaid labour
Building settlements, towns, cities and dwellings: Developing urban services and amenities
Maintaining order: Policing and maintaining law and order
Creating social and cultural institutions: Worshipping and religious institutions
Creating social and cultural institutions: Sport and recreation
Educating Queenslanders: Providing primary schooling
Providing health and welfare services: Providing health services
Providing health and welfare services: Caring for women and children
Providing health and welfare services: Caring for the aged and infirm


Queensland Department of Public Works
Tiffin, Charles


Cannan, Kersey


Construction periods:
1843 - 1865, Early Asylum Site (1865), including former Simpson Residence Site (1843-44)
1860, Former Sandstone Quarry and Track (1860s)
1866 - 1951, Female Wards 1 & 2

(1866 additions and modifications added in 1868, 1870, 1875, 1905, 1906, 1923, 1937, and 1951)
1866 - 1978, Wolston Park Hospital Complex (1866 - 1978)
1870 - 1950, Early Road Network (1870s - 1950s)
1885 - 1924, Bostock House (1885, extended 1901, c1924)
1890 - 1958, Residence (1890s - 1910s, relocated c1958, c2000)
1890 - 1972, Recreation Hall (1890, extended c1914, remodelled c1972)
1895 - 1910, Male Recreation Grounds (by 1895) and Cricket Pavilion (1910)
1895 -1912, Former Cemetery Site (1895 - 1912)
1898 - 1917, Fleming House (1898, extended c1917)
1898, Medical Superintendent’s Residence and Garden (1898)
1902 - 1949, Morgue (1902, extended 1949)
1902 - 1955, Female Bathroom Block (1902)
1902, Male Bathroom Block (1902)
1912 - 1920, Visitors Garden (c1912) and Visitors Pavilion (1920)
1912, Assistant Medical Superintendent’s Residence and Garden (1912)
1913 - 1945, Former Cemetery Site (c1913 - 1945)
1914, Reservoir and Pump Houses (1914)
1915, Lewis House, McDonnell House, and Noble House (all 1915)
1916 - 1919, Piggery Remnants (1916 - 19)
1916, Early Farm Ward Kitchen and Dairy (1916)
1917, Powerhouse (1917)
1917, Anderson House (1917)
1917, Administration Building (1917)
1917, Hospital (1917)
1918, Laundry (1918)
1918, Farm Overseer’s House (1918, relocated within complex area c2009 - 13)
1920 - 1925, Gailes Golf Club Course (1925)
1934, Osler House (1928), Pearce House (1934)
1936, Gladstone House, Jenner House, and Kelsey House (all 1936)
1944, Shelter Shed for Female Patients (by 1944)
1944, Garage (by 1944)
1944, Dawson House (1944)
1948, Repatriation Kitchen Block (1948)
1948, Repatriation Wards A, B, and C (all 1948)
1950 - 1956, Dam (1950) and Pump House (by 1956)
1951 - 1955, Female Recreation Grounds (1951-5)
1951, Cafeteria (c1951)
1951, Change Room and Stores Shed (c1951)
1951, Packing Shed and Patients Shelter (c1951)
1954 - 1955, Repatriation Recreation Grounds (c1954 - 5)
1954, Farm Ward Building and Grounds (1954-6, Basil Stafford Centre)
1961, Repatriation Occupational Therapy and Recreation Hall (c1961)
1961, Chapel (1961)
1964, Later Farm Ward for Male Patients (c1964, later called Weeroona)
1967- 1973, School Building for Child Patients with Intellectual Disabilities (1967), Swimming Pool (c1973)
1978, Villas (c1978)

Historical period:
1840s - 1860s Mid 19th century
1870s - 1890s Late 19th century
1900 - 1914 Early 20th century
1914 - 1919 World War I
1919 - 1930s Interwar period
1939 - 1945 World War II
1940s - 1960s post-WWII
1970s - 1990s Late 20th century


Arts & Crafts

Persons In Charge 

Kersey Cannan

1860 - 1869

Henry Challinor 

1869 - 1872

John Jaap

1872 - 1877

Patrick Smith

1877 - 1881

Richard Scholes

1881 - 1894, 1896 - 1898

James Hogg

1898 - 1908

Henry Byam Ellerton

1909 - 1937

Basil Stafford

1937 - 1950

J.E.F Mcdonald

1943 - 1944

Clive Boyce

1950 - 1965

Orme Orford

1965 - 1976

Harry (Don) Eastwell

1976 - 1978

Victor Matchett 

1976 (Acting), 1978 (Acting), 1981 -1982

James Wood

1982 -83 (Acting), 1983 - 1990

Courtesy of the Queensland State Archives here we see the paperwork advising of the change from Brisbane Special Hospital to Wolston Park Hospital in 1968.

Site Buildings 

Female Division

• Female Ward 1 & 2 (Preserved)

• Original Female Ward 1 & 2 (Demolished)

• Female Refractory Cells (Demolished)

• Female Ward 3 & 5, Female Ward 3, Cameron House (Demolished)

• Female Ward 4 Dawson House (Preserved)

• Female Ward 6 Bostock House (Preserved)

• Female Ward 7 Anderson House (Preserved)

• Female Ward 8(Demolished)

• Female Ward 9 (Unknown)

• Female Ward 10 (Unknown)

• Female Ward 11, Lewis House (Preserved)

• Matron Quarters (Demolished)

• Nurses Quarters (Demolished)

• Female Toilets, Sewing Rooms (Preserved)


Male Division

• Male Ward 2 (Unknown)

• Male Ward 2 Visitors Pavilion (Demolished)

• Male Ward 2 Recreation Shelter (Demolished)

• Male Ward 2 Visitation Shelter (Demolished)

• New Male Ward 2 (Unknown)

• Male Ward 3 (Unknown)

• Male Ward 4 (Demolished)

• Male Ward 5 Fleming House (Preserved)

• Male Ward 6, 7, 8 Gladstone, Jenner, Kelsey House (Preserved)

• Male Ward 11 McDonnell House (Preserved)

•Male Ward 12 & 13 Noble House (Preserved)

• Male Ward 9 & 10 Lewis House (Preserved)

• New Male Ward 14, Osler House (Preserved)

• New Male Ward 15 Pearce House (Preserved)

• Male Ward E (Unknown)

Other Wards, Buildings

• Farm Ward, Basil Stafford (Preserved)

• Farm Block, Basil Stafford (Preserved)

• Morgue (Preserved)

• Powerhouse (Preserved)

• Administration (Preserved)

• Laundry (Preserved)

• Workshop (Preserved)

• Water Reservoirs and Pumping Stations (Preserved)

• John Oxley Centre (Demolished)

• John Oxley Memorial Hospital (Demolished)

• Cemetery Sites 1,2,3

• Riverside Ballroom, Wolston Park Golf Club (Preserved)

 •Croquet Green (Shelter Preserved)

• Soccer Field (Demolished)

• Cricket Field, Eddie Gilbert Memorial Field (Preserved)

• Staff Residence 10 (Preserved)

• Assistant Medical Superintendents Residence (Preserved)

• Medical Superintendents Residence (Preserved)

• Chapels (1 of 3 Preserved)


Review into Wolston Park Hospital
A review of health services provided at Wolston Park Hospital between the 1st of January 1950 and the 31st of December 2000 is currently taking place.
Leading the review is Professor Robert Bland AM.
Professor Bland is a mental health expert having worked in mental health and academic settings since 1972, where he gained extensive experience in hospital and community settings, administration, teaching and research.
As the leader for the review, Professor Bland will leverage his long-standing interest in the welfare of family caregivers supporting long-term mental illness and his dedicated research history in mental health recovery to listen to the patients, residents and family caregivers of those who were in care at Wolston Park Hospital.
This independent review will facilitate patients and family members or carers to describe their experiences during the period concerning their treatment and experience whilst an inpatient of Wolston Park Hospital.
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Crisis contacts

In an emergency call 000 or go to your local hospital emergency department.

1300 MH CALL - 1300 642 255

1300 MH CALL is a confidential mental health telephone triage service that provides the first point of contact for public mental health services to Queenslanders.

24/7 crisis services

Lifeline 13 11 14

Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467

Beyond Blue 1300 22 46 36

MensLine Australia 1300 78 99 78

Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800

1800 Respect 1800 737 732

13 YARN - 13 92 76 - for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

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